aq keje!~ sowy bro...

wallet ohh wallet!!~

mane wallet aq???
mane wallet aq???
hemmmmm.....oiii perompak lau nak rembat pon rembat la duit jgn rembat wallet dowh...
pening pale aq nak pk pasal kewarganeraan aq nie BODO!
ko tau dah duit takde ko amek watpe???
sengalan sialan....marah pon tak gune...mintak2 dapat balik wallet aq...
sebab aq ngan wallet tu tak penah hilang n kalau ilang die mesti balik kembali padaku!~


jom yok...kite pi keja!~
aq nih dah lame sebenarnye nak tunggu cuti panjang beenor....(4 bulan gitu)
seba aq nak pegi keje....bagi aq lau cuti 2 bulan tu aq ase macam tak bebaloi nak keja...
but now aq dah dapat cuti lame gilerrr sooooo , ape lagi jom la keje kan....takde la nak dengar maka q dok membebel tiap2 pagi soh aq pi keja....rambut pun tak gunting lagi nie.....hehe...ingat nak gunting tapi tgk dapat keje la dulu be...baru la hegeh2 pi kat maka aq mintak duit nak pegi keje ngan gunting rambut + duit minyak motor for the beginner.... hehehe....jeng3, aq nak keje kat mane aq pon tak tau....ikut la dapat keje ape, janji keje tu HALAL!
aq tak pilih nak keje pe, buat rumah pon boleh cuci tandas pon bole....hehehe....mintak2 la dapat keje yang elok sikit k...
pade aweks yang aq rindu sesangat, sory and sory coz im lazy and tak pandai nak amek hati, saye tak pandai...hahah....but i miss u a lot even if u doesn't know!~

blink myself...redeem my soul...
hidup tak keruan beb!~
redah jaaaaa!


entah pe da....
nak cakap pe??
nak luah pe??
ape yang aq ada??
ape yang nak wat?
its all up to me...
banyak silap banyak baran...
banyak sialan....
no komen!~


aq ase dah lame aq tak cakap pape dalam nie kan??
well.... busy ngan keje dowh.... nak kate pegi campus? haram tidak .... warden kejot pon wat dono je...hahaha....
weihhh.. tolong2 la nasihatkan kat aq nih....isk isk isk..... there's no one can help me unless myself isn't it? hahaha... tapi kalau nasihat2 maybe nley gune gak....wow....
3minggu direct aq tak pegi kampus.... macam hare.... ape masalah aq? masalah aq ad ngan tempat aq blaja.... macam2 yang dijanji tap satu pun blm nmpk hasil.... isk isk isk.... kita mengharap jer.... last2 kita yang hampa....kesian... tapi ni la ujian bagi aq or anyone else yang merasa sama... so sabar la ekk.... one more.... someone i miss.... please give me a call please,... seksa terasa dalam dada....huk huk huk3!~ (T_T)

Why lonely??

nape aq taruk kat atas Loneliness Is The Part Of My Life???
sebab lau aq hidup kat mane2 pun sume mende aq kene buat sendiri...tak boleh nak bergantung harap pada sesiape...and lagi pon aq suke dok lepak2 sowg2 je...nanti takut susah kan orang lak.....aq dah cube elak daripade menyakitkan ati org dowh!~
hahaha, tapi sebenar nye kite sume tak keseorangan....ade peneman kite di kiri dan kanan, yang ikut kite tak kire kemane jua kite pergi, toilet, surau , rumah, even school.....yang mencatatkan setiap perbuatan kita hari2....samada bek atau buruk....tak dinafi, aq pun banyak buat dosa....bai... dalam dunie nie mane ade orang yang perfect tak pernah berdosa, cume sikit lebey kurg je...malahan ustaz2 pun tak terkecuali....refer to their speech, their way of communication....as i always heard...
so its not a big deal either u were ustaz/ah @ student.....sume ad tanggungjawab memasing...jadi tak yah nak salahkan org2 lain, melainkan diri kite sendiri......well... same2 la kite muhasabah diri k....


Touching is one of the most powerful forms of non-verbal communication and needs to be managed with care.
Touching is a common part of many rituals, in which the action often has a long-forgotten symbolic meaning.
Greeting and departure
By far the most common touching ritual is greeting and departure, although the actual form of the ritual changes across countries. This may include shaking hands, hugging, kissing, rubbing noses and other touching.
When hold out your hand, you show that are not holding a weapon. When you allow others to touch you, you are indicating a level of trust.
Men on men
Men have a particular concern about status, in particular relative to one another. This is a primitive tribal game and is played out every day around the world.
When one man touches another, even if it appears that it is related to sympathy, then there is a game of status and power being played out.
Shaking hands
Shaking hands, although basically a ritual, may also contain significant acts of domination.
The 'power grip' grabs the other person's hand firmly and shakes vigorously. The 'vice grip' does this to extreme, intending to demonstrate strength by causing pain.
The 'hand on top' method offers the palm down, using the principle that being above the other person in any way symbolizes superiority. This is often combined with an elbow grab.
There is also domination in the duration of the shake. If you do not let go within the prescribed period, then you are taking control. Even for a second, this can send subtle power signals.
Back and arm touching
Patting on the back and touching the arm may be an act of sympathy and friendship. It can also be an act of dominance. Again, between men and particularly in situations of power, this is a signal of who is in charge.
Countering dominance
The simplest way of countering dominant touching is to do it back to the other person. This can be very surprising for them, especially if you seem not to be subdued and even may be smiling at their surprise.
If they pat you on the back or arm, you can do it to them with the other hand, put you hand on top or slide your arm underneath and pat their side (if they are on top, this shows that you have got beneath their guard). You can even turn the whole thing into a hug.
Touching is often used as a form of demonstrating sympathy, particularly between women. Men also may use it, but it is easily confused with acts of power (it may also be mistaken for homosexual acts of intimacy).
Distant sympathy
Showing sympathy when you are not very close to the other person typically is done with more distant and brief touching of the back, shoulder or arm.
Even a short touch can be very comforting and is effective when you fear that they may misunderstand the touch as dominance or intimacy.
Close sympathy
Closer forms of sympathetic touching are closer to intimate actions, such as putting your arm around the other person or hugging them as they cry or touching the arm for more prolonged periods.
This is more common amongst women, partners or very close friends.
Friends tend to greet each other with more intimate touching, such a hugging or even kissing (although this may vary with culture).
Friendship touching will also vary with the intensity and type of friendship. Some people you just touch more and some do not like it. In a group of friends, one tactile person may convert the whole group to a more touchy culture.
Families touch one another more, in particular parents and children, where as well as sympathetic touching there may be guidance and others forms of touch.
As with friends (and lovers), families touch each other more partly because they trust one another and also to sustain bonding and trust.
Partners and lovers touch each other a great deal. Intimacy does not have to be all sexual and is often just because it feels good. This may include holding hands, arms around each other, necking, nuzzling and kissing.
And of course there is also sexual touching, done with the deliberate intent of arousal and gratification.
Gueguen and Fischer-Lokou (2003) showed how touching another person during a conversation influenced the other person very strongly. After touching a stranger when asking directions, turning away and 'dropping' some diskettes, the touched subject would stoop to help pick them up 90% of the time, as opposed to 63% of the time when they were not touched.
Touch creates a bonding effect and this experiment shows how powerful this is in turning a stranger to offer proactive support. Of course asking them for directions also had an effect, but the increase is significantly more with just a light touch. This bonding effect is clearly significant for other sections above and constitutes a significant method for influencing others.